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FLEX™ Pro Vibrating Face Brush

Questions about the douxds FLEX™ Pro Vibrating Face Brush.

Does the UV light works every time I put my FLEX™ inside the charging case?

The UV will light up only when the FLEX™ is plugged in to the charger.

What is the FLEX™ Vibrating Face Brush?

The FLEX™ Vibrating Face Brush is a cutting-edge skincare device designed to improve your skin's health and appearance. It utilizes innovative technology to cleanse, exfoliate, and revitalize your skin, helping to address common issues like ingrown h

How does the FLEX™ Vibrating Face Brush work?

The FLEX™ Face Brush uses gentle sonic vibrations and soft silicone bristles to cleanse and exfoliate your skin. These vibrations help remove dirt, oil, and dead skin cells, promoting better skin health and a more radiant complexion.

What are the key benefits of using the FLEX™ Face Brush?

Using the FLEX™ Face Brush can lead to smoother, clearer, and healthier skin. It can help prevent ingrown hairs, reduce acne breakouts, and promote a more even skin tone. The brush also encourages collagen production, making your skin look more youth

Is the FLEX™ Face Brush suitable for all skin types?

Yes, the FLEX™ Face Brush is designed for all skin types. Whether you have oily, dry, sensitive, or combination skin, this device can help you achieve your skincare goals.

Can women use the FLEX™ Face Brush, or is it designed specifically for men?

The FLEX™ Face Brush is designed to be beneficial for everyone. While it's marketed as a men's grooming tool, women can certainly use it to enhance their skincare routines.

What are the primary skin issues that the FLEX™ Face Brush helps to address?

The FLEX™ Face Brush primarily addresses common skin issues such as ingrown hairs, acne, and uneven skin tone. It's also effective at exfoliating your skin, keeping it looking fresh and youthful.

How often should I use the FLEX™ Face Brush?

For the best results, we recommend using the FLEX™ Face Brush at least two times per week. You can use it once after shaving and choose another day that suits your routine.

Is the FLEX™ Face Brush safe for daily use?

Yes, the FLEX™ Face Brush is safe for daily use. Its gentle silicone bristles make it suitable for regular use without causing skin irritation.

Does the FLEX™ Face Brush help with ingrown hairs?

Yes, the FLEX™ Face Brush is an effective tool for preventing and treating ingrown hairs. It helps to clear clogged pores, allowing hair to grow back out smoothly.

Can the FLEX™ Face Brush reduce acne and breakouts?

Absolutely! The FLEX™ Face Brush can reduce acne breakouts by removing oil, debris, and dead skin cells, which are often responsible for clogged pores and blemishes.

Is the FLEX™ Face Brush waterproof?

Yes, the FLEX™ Face Brush is designed to be waterproof, allowing you to use it in the shower or during your skincare routine without worry.

Do I need any special skincare products to use with the FLEX™ Face Brush?

While the FLEX™ Face Brush can be used with your preferred cleanser, we recommend using it with our WAR™ Face Wash and PRIME™ Face Quench for optimal results. These products are specifically formulated to complement the brush.

Is there a specific order to using the FLEX™ Face Brush and the recommended products?

For the best results, we suggest using the FLEX™ Face Brush after shaving and following it with the WAR™ Face Wash. Finish with the PRIME™ Face Quench to keep your skin moisturized and looking its best.

What results can I expect to see after using the FLEX™ Face Brush consistently?

With consistent use, you can expect smoother, clearer, and healthier skin. You may notice a reduction in ingrown hairs, fewer acne breakouts, and a more even skin tone. Regular use can also lead to a more youthful appearance.

Is the FLEX™ Face Brush suitable for sensitive skin?

Yes, the FLEX™ Face Brush is gentle and suitable for sensitive skin. Its soft silicone bristles make it safe for those with varying skin types.

How long should I use the FLEX™ Face Brush during each skincare session?

We recommend using the FLEX™ Face Brush for about one minute during each skincare session to ensure a thorough cleansing and exfoliation process.

Can the FLEX™ Face Brush be used in combination with other skincare products?

Yes, the FLEX™ Face Brush can be integrated into your existing skincare routine. However, we recommend using it with our specially formulated products for the best results.

Is the FLEX™ Face Brush easy to clean?

Yes, cleaning the FLEX™ Face Brush is a breeze. Simply rinse it with warm water and a mild soap, and it will be ready for your next use.

Does the FLEX™ Face Brush require any special maintenance?

The FLEX™ Face Brush is designed for easy maintenance. Make sure to keep it clean and store it in a dry place between uses.

How does the FLEX™ Face Brush compare to other skincare devices on the market?

The FLEX™ Face Brush is engineered to provide a complete skincare solution for men, addressing specific issues like ingrown hairs and acne. Its combination of cleansing, exfoliation, and revitalization sets it apart from many other skincare devices.

How often should I replace the brush head on the FLEX™ Face Brush?

No replacement parts needed. Unless you're griding the bristles against sandpaper the bristles will stay intact. Thanks to the anti-microbial silicone and charging case your FLEX™ will always stay clean.

Can I use the FLEX™ Face Brush on my body?

While the FLEX™ Face Brush is primarily designed for facial use, it can also be used on other areas of the body like your head, legs, and private areas if needed to address similar skin issues.

How long does the FLEX™ Face Brush hold a charge?

5 hours of running time. If you use FLEX™ once a day for a minute, that's 300 days of battery life. Ultimately depending on usage frequency battery life changes.

Can women use the FLEX™ Face Brush?

While the FLEX™ Face Brush is designed with men in mind, women can also benefit from its cleansing and exfoliating properties. However, it's essential to use it in conjunction with suitable skincare products.

Is the FLEX™ Face Brush safe for individuals with beards or facial hair?

Yes, the FLEX™ Face Brush can effectively cleanse and exfoliate skin even if you have facial hair or a beard. It helps prevent ingrown hairs by keeping your skin healthy.

Can I travel with the FLEX™ Face Brush?

Yes, the FLEX™ Face Brush is compact and travel-friendly. It's a great addition to your skincare routine while on the go. Especially with the charging case. 100% TSA compliant as well.

What makes the FLEX™ Face Brush different from regular exfoliating or cleansing brushes?

The FLEX™ Face Brush is specifically tailored to men's skincare needs. Its unique combination of deep cleansing, exfoliation, and vitalization sets it apart from standard skincare brushes.

How does the FLEX™ Face Brush help with acne-prone skin?

The FLEX™ Face Brush deep cleans pores, exfoliates dead skin, and promotes collagen production, which can all help reduce acne breakouts and the appearance of blemishes.

Can I use the FLEX™ Face Brush in the shower?

Yes, the FLEX™ Face Brush is water-resistant, making it safe for use in the shower. This makes it convenient for those who like to include skincare in their daily shower routine.

Can I use the FLEX™ Face Brush if I have a skin condition like eczema or psoriasis?

We recommend consulting with a dermatologist or healthcare professional before using the FLEX™ Face Brush if you have a specific skin condition. They can provide personalized guidance.

Does the FLEX™ Face Brush help with wrinkles and fine lines?

The FLEX™ Face Brush aids in stimulating collagen production, which can lead to firmer and more youthful-looking skin over time.

Can I share the FLEX™ Face Brush with others in my household?

For personal hygiene reasons, we recommend that each individual have their own FLEX™ Face Brush. However, the UVC Self-Sanitization combined with silverized anti-microbial silicone will eliminate and prevent 99.9% of bacteria and viruses. Share if yo

Can the FLEX™ Face Brush be used by individuals of all ages?

Yes, the FLEX™ Face Brush is suitable for individuals of all ages who are looking to enhance their skincare routines.

Is the FLEX™ Face Brush recommended by dermatologists or skincare professionals?

Many skincare professionals recognize the benefits of exfoliation and deep cleansing, which the FLEX™ Face Brush provides. We work closely with barbers and estheticians to get raw feedback on the effectiveness of our products.

Can the FLEX™ Face Brush be used in combination with other skincare tools or devices?

It can be used in combination with other skincare tools, but be sure to integrate them thoughtfully into your skincare routine.

Does the FLEX™ Face Brush have any impact on oil control for oily skin types?

Yes, the FLEX™ Face Brush can help regulate oil production and manage excess oil for those with oily skin.

Can the FLEX™ Face Brush help with removing dark spots and blemishes?

The FLEX™ Face Brush aids in reducing the appearance of dark spots and blemishes over time through consistent exfoliation.

Does the FLEX™ Face Brush help with improving skin texture and tone?

Yes, the FLEX™ Face Brush contributes to a smoother, more even skin texture and improved complexion.

Can I use the FLEX™ Face Brush on other parts of my body, like the body or chest?

While it's primarily designed for facial use, some users have found success using it on other body parts. However, use it with caution and adjust the vibration intensity.

How does the FLEX™ Face Brush compare to traditional methods of exfoliation?

The FLEX™ Face Brush provides a deeper and more thorough exfoliation compared to traditional methods, which may not reach the same level of effectiveness.

Are there any potential side effects or risks associated with using the FLEX™ Face Brush?

The FLEX™ Face Brush is designed to be safe for all skin types. However, as with any skincare product, it's advisable to test it on a small area of your skin before regular use, especially if you have sensitive skin.

Can the FLEX™ Face Brush help with aging and wrinkles?

Yes, the FLEX™ Face Brush promotes collagen production, which can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles over time.

What are the best practices for using the FLEX™ Face Brush?

Start with a clean face, apply your chosen cleanser, wet the FLEX™ Face Brush, and gently move it in circular motions across your skin. Adjust the vibration intensity to your preference.

Can I use the FLEX™ Face Brush with other skincare products?

Yes, the FLEX™ Face Brush can be used with your preferred cleansers and skincare products for enhanced effectiveness.

Does the FLEX™ Face Brush help with ingrown hairs?

Absolutely, the FLEX™ Face Brush plays a crucial role in preventing and reducing ingrown hairs. It unclogs pores, allowing hair to grow freely and preventing it from getting trapped beneath the skin.

How does FLEX™ help with acne grades 1 to 3?

FLEX™ is particularly effective for acne grades 1 to 3 due to its unique exfoliation and vitalization properties. Here’s how it works:. Exfoliation: FLEX's exfoliating action helps remove dead skin cells, excess oils, and impurities that clog pores,

Can FLEX™ be used for Grade 4 severe acne?

While FLEX™ is highly effective for grades 1 to 3 acne, individuals with grade 4 severe acne may require specialized treatment from a dermatologist or esthetician. Grade 4 acne often involves deeper nodules, cysts, and extensive inflammation that may

How long does it take to see results with FLEX™ for grades 1 to 3 acne?

Results may vary from person to person, but many users experience noticeable improvements within a few weeks of using FLEX™ regularly. Consistent use, typically over several weeks, can lead to clearer, smoother skin with reduced acne and brighter com

Can FLEX™ be used in combination with other acne treatments?

Before combining FLEX™ with other acne treatments, we advise consulting with a dermatologist or skincare professional. While FLEX™ is designed to be a gentle and effective skincare tool, using multiple treatments simultaneously might cause irritation